I'm having trouble getting the Codesandbox preview to work, but I can't seem to figure out what the issue is. What could I

Currently, I am practicing by copying random web pages to enhance my skills. Right now, I am in the process of replicating this page.

When viewed in VS Code, everything looks fine and even when opened in Chrome. However, after uploading it to Codesandbox, the preview window remains empty! There are no error indications, causing absolute frustration. Update: it seems to be working now, but I can't identify what the issue was.

I apologize if I've posted this question in the wrong topic, I am committed to improving.

I have attempted deleting the default .js and .css files as well as repeating the steps in incognito mode - unfortunately, nothing has helped.

Here is the link to the Codesandbox project: Codesandbox Link All files are located in the "site" folder.

Answer №1

It appears that the issue lies in the public folder being empty.

Furthermore, the index.html file seems to be devoid of content as well.

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