I'm a bit torn between using images for text or utilizing Google Fonts

I am looking to use a unique font that is not commonly used. This font is available in Google Fonts as well as in Photoshop. I am unsure about which method to choose because both options involve some loading time. Although using images for text is not ideal, at least the image would be internal. However, using Google Fonts will result in overhead as the font needs to be requested from an external source.

Which method provides better performance in terms of load speed?

1) Should I write the text in Photoshop and save it as an image to use on my webpage? or

2) Should I use Google Font?

3) If I decide to use Google Font, should I download the font file with all formats and then place it in my website's folder? Or can I simply use the HTML link tag? Which option is more efficient?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Answer №1

While Google fonts are hosted on a CDN and do not use server resources like images, they can impact page speed if multiple fonts are used. However, using images for text is outdated and inefficient. It creates challenges with updates, design changes, testing, accessibility, SEO, and site maintenance. The simplest solution is to avoid using images for text altogether.

According to Google Fonts:

Tip: Only include the font styles you need on your webpage to prevent slowing it down.

Tip: Select only the languages you require to maintain webpage performance.

Using Google Fonts is easy:

// Add this to the <head> section of your website
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

Then in your CSS:

// Use the font in your styling
h1 { font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, serif; font-weight: 400; }

By following these steps, you can efficiently integrate fonts into your website with minimal impact on resources.

Answer №2

Utilize Google Fonts for optimal performance.

The Google Fonts Content Delivery Network (CDN) is designed to enhance loading speed; content retrieved from it generally loads faster than if hosted on your own server.

No need to download the font or be concerned about browser compatibility - simply include the <link> tag in your HTML code.

Avoid utilizing images to showcase text due to various reasons:

  1. Screen readers are unable to interpret text within an image
  2. Potential size issues, where the image might be larger than the font file depending on dimensions
  3. Maintenance can become tedious
  4. User experience problems may arise like the inability to copy or select text

Under what circumstances should images be used?

When a particular text effect cannot be achieved using CSS, SVG, or canvas (although this is rare). One suggestion by @Stephen P mentioned in the comments below, is to still incorporate text but visually conceal it with CSS as seen here: The Image Replacement Museum

Answer №3

Downloading Google fonts in the preferred format and using them from a local file instead of a URL can greatly enhance website speed. Images, on the other hand, can negatively impact SEO as search engines struggle to interpret them.

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