If an element with a "hidden" display property is loaded in the browser window, will it be visible?

Is an element in a hidden display still using memory when the page is loaded?

It's convenient to have many elements on a page, but if 99 elements are hidden and only 1 is displayed, does that impact the loading of the page? I'm curious if the page only loads what is currently displayed or if it loads all elements at once.

If you have more insight on this topic, I would appreciate your input. Thank you.

Answer №1

Absolutely, the elements are indeed present on the page. You can even interact with them using javascript. Take a look at this example:

<p id="test" hidden> Test </p>

Answer №2

When you've crafted code for those elements, they become ingrained in memory. It's important to note that CSS is typically applied after the web components have been loaded.

Answer №3

When all the elements are loaded, the page may become overloaded and slow to load.

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