Identifying the state of the sidebar is key

I am looking to create a script in JavaScript that can detect whether a sidebar has the class "active" or not. The sidebar is controlled by Bootstrap's toggle button, which adds the "active" class when clicked.

<button type="button" id="sidebarCollapse" class="btn btn-info" style="font-family:'Poppins'; position:absolute; z-index:9; margin-left:7vh; margin-top:2vh;font-size: 1.5em">
                    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-filter"></span> Filter

Here is the CSS styling:

#sidebar {
    background: #202020;
    color: #fff;
} {
    margin-left: -250px;

And here is the JavaScript code:

//Check if the sidebar has the 'active' class
var sideBar = document.getElementById('sidebar')
if (sideBar.className == ('active')){
else {console.log('not active')}

Just to clarify, the 'active' class is only added to the sidebar when the sidebarCollapse button is clicked and removed when it is clicked again. However, the above code is not functioning properly. It always logs 'not active', even when the sidebar is visibly marked as 'active'. I would like it to dynamically recognize the status of the sidebar (active or not active).

var sideBar = document.getElementById('sidebar');
if (sideBar.classList.contains('active')){
else {console.log('not active')}

Below are images showcasing the HTML with both states of the sidebar (active/not active):

Answer №1

Your code should be functioning correctly. There are two key reasons why it may always display 'not active'.

  1. The code is being executed on page load
  2. You are fetching the sidebar div before it has been opened, therefore the DOM object is not updated afterwards.

To solve this issue, move your code into a function and call that function whenever you need to check the status of the sidebar.

See the sample code below for reference.

function isSidebarOpen() {

  var sideBar = document.getElementById('sidebar');

  if (sideBar.classList.contains('active')) {
  } else(console.log('not active'))

<div id="sidebar" class="active">
  <button onclick='isSidebarOpen()'>


Answer №2

To monitor changes in the DOM, use the MutationObserver interface.

Copy and paste the code snippet below to set up the observation:

const targetNode = document.getElementById('sidebarCollapse'); // Select the element to observe

const config = { attributes: true }; // Specify what type of changes to listen for

const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) {
    for(let mutation of mutationsList) {
        if (mutation.type === 'attributes') {
          if (targetNode.classList.contains('active')){

const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); // Create a new observer instance

observer.observe(targetNode, config); // Begin observing the specified element

View the live demonstration on CodePen.

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