I need to use HTML formatting to ensure that my form appears professional and visually pleasing

Currently, I am working on enhancing the appearance of an HTML form. However, I seem to be struggling with the formatting, and I also aim to ensure that the form is responsive. My goal is to have the first name and last name fields on one line, followed by the address, city, state, email, phone number on separate lines, and finally, the submit button and privacy link at the end. I attempted a nested table approach, but it did not yield satisfactory results.

I am seeking advice on aligning the fields correctly as they are currently displaying varying lengths. The address field appears shorter compared to others, leading to misalignment. If anyone has suggestions on how to fix this issue and make all the fields consistently lined up, please share your insights. You can view my sample here

/* CSS code snippet */
:before, :after {
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  box-sizing: border-box;

/* More CSS styles follow... */

<!-- HTML Code Snippet -->
<table width="100%" id="p3" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <!-- Table content goes here... -->

Answer №1

Tables should only be used for tabular data, using them for formatting is a definite no-no.

Additionally, this layout is not responsive and will look poorly on mobile devices (try resizing the screen to see for yourself).

I suggest utilizing a framework to simplify your design process. Check out Bourbon / neat if you're familiar with sass, or consider pure css if you're new to it.

Tip: It's okay to put inputs on separate lines, scrolling down isn't as bothersome as you might think - take advantage of your screen space.

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