I attempted to implement the hover effect on a custom Tailwind CSS class I created, but unfortunately, it does not appear to be functioning as expected

For example:

.btn {bg-blue-500 text-2 text-orange-300}
.btn2 {bg-orange-500 text-2 text-blue-300}

Attempted Solution:

Edit: Apologies for the oversight in not including the code I was working with... it was late at night.

< button className="btn hover:btn2"/>   <---this does not work btn2 does not actually get applied as a hover

The btn class is displayed, but when hovering, the styling of btn2 does not appear.

If there's something obvious that I'm missing or if it's already mentioned in the documentation, please point me in the right direction.

I've searched extensively, but I keep going around in circles. I have multiple styles I want to change by applying them in different states, and it would be cumbersome if I had to create separate classes like .btn .btn2 btn2-hover btn-hover.

Is this related to variants? Or is it due to the way CSS is interpreted in a specific order? Could it be that I expect hover to be applied to all internal CSS when it doesn't actually work that way? Do I need to make some kind of exception? Iā€™m confused.

Answer ā„–1

The solution was right there in the documentation. If anyone else is facing this issue, it was due to placing declared styles under tailwind @components instead of tailwind @utilities.

@layer utilities{
.btn {bg-blue-500 text-2 text-orange-300}
.btn2 {bg-orange-500 text-2 text-blue-300}}

Once you organize your styles correctly, you can use the states as intended - like in the example below:

<button className="btn hover:btn2"/>

Now everything should be working smoothly!

Answer ā„–3

Hey there, it seems like you may have a setting issue with your index.css file. Please take a look at the code snippet below:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

html, body, #root{
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;

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