Utilize data retrieved from an API to customize the appearance of buttons through the combination of React and Sass styling techniques

I retrieved data from an API and used it to create a list of buttons. The data I received includes names and color codes.

  { name: "bob", colorCode: "#DC7472" },
  { name: "ben", colorCode: "#69DCD1" },
  { name: "john", colorCode: "#1570C5" },
  { name: "joe", colorCode: "#1550C4" }

The buttons correspond to the names in the array items, with an initial state of false. Clicking a button toggles its state between true and false.

If a button's state is true, I want its background color to match the color code, with white text. When false, I want the text color to match the color code, with a white background.

Initial states:


Check out the code here - https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-dam8vt

I am figuring out how to implement this using React and Sass.

Answer №1

One way to achieve this is by using the following code snippet:

style={domain[each.domainName]? { color: each.colorCode, backgroundColor: "white" } : null}

For the updated version, check out: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-abcd123

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