I am on the hunt for a unique jQuery or CSS selector to resolve a specific problem

I need assistance finding a jQuery or CSS selector for a specific issue. Here is the code snippet:

<div class="parent">
   <div class="grid1">
      <p>grids have also p</p>
   <div class="grid2">
      <p>grids have also p</p>
   <div class="grid3">
      <p>grids have also p</p>

   <p>if this p is present, .grid1 should not have a margin</p>

<div class="parent">
   <div class="grid1">
      <p>grids have also p</p>
   <div class="grid2">
      <p>grids have also p</p>
   <div class="grid3">
      <p>grids have also p</p>

Here's what I've already tried:


However, I am unsure how to target the parent element that contains the 'p'. Can someone help me with this?

Answer №1

  $('.grid1').css('margin', '0px'); 

It is also possible to assign an id to either the parent div or the specific p element, and then verify if the find operation returns a value of true.

Update 2:

I believe the code provided by another individual is effective:


Answer №2

$('.parent p').each(function(){
$(this).siblings(".grid1").css('margin', "0px");`

To target all the paragraph elements within a parent container, use the above code. This will set the margin of the sibling div with the class grid1 at the same level to zero.

Answer №3

To handle multiple occurrences of this scenario, you can loop through the parent classes and verify if they contain a child element with <p> by using $(this). Check out a live demonstration here.

$(".parent").each(function(i) {
    if($(this).children('p').length > 0){
        //<p> is present
        window.alert("<p> is present");
    } else {
        //<p> is NOT present
        window.alert("<p> is not present");

Answer №4

Here is a suggestion for you:


Check out the Fiddle

Answer №5

Experiment with this code snippet

if($('p').is(':visible')) {

Answer №6

Many thanks! This is the perfect version that functions flawlessly

$('.parent > p').each(function(){
$(this).siblings(".grid1").css('margin', "0px");

A big shoutout to Mohammed ElSayed!!

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