``I am interested in changing the class of the initial child within a specific column in a row by toggling it

I have been attempting to toggle the class of the first child of a selected column within a row. Here is the HTML code snippet:

         <div class="container row each-expertise">
            <div class="col l4 m4 skill-1">
                <div class="circle">
                    <i class="material-icons">phonelink_setup</i>
                <h5>Software Development</h5>
                <p class="lead sotenue">If you have a problem to solve or an incredible idea to digitally showcase, I can assist you in expressing it through a Web, Mobile, or Desktop application. </p>
                <br class="show-on-med">
            <div class="col l4 m4 skill-2">
                <div class="circle">
                   <i class="material-icons">web</i> 
                <h5>Web Design and Redesign</h5>
                <p class="lead sotenue">If you need people to be informed about what you do, having a website is crucial. You may also require a redesign if you desire more out of your existing site. </p>
            <div class="col l4 m4 skill-3">
                <div class="circle">
                    <i class="material-icons">airplay</i>
                <h5>I.T | Tech Evangelism</h5>
                <p class="lead sotenue">I enjoy inspiring, motivating, educating, and uniting developers and I.T professionals to exchange ideas, skills, solutions, and experiences. </p>

Additionally, here is the JavaScript code provided:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $myskill = $("#expertise .each-expertise .col");
      $(this).toggleClass("white indigo-text text-darken-2");


However, despite these efforts, the code does not appear to be functioning as intended.

Answer №1

Get rid of siblings, simply:


Sibling() identifies all elements that are siblings of $(this) excluding the element itself. Therefore, in siblings, there are no .circle elements.

Additionally, you can use toggleClass to toggle multiple classes:

toggleClass('circle circled');

To summarize:

$(this).find('.circle').toggleClass('circle circled');

Since on hover the circle class is removed, it would be more efficient to do this:

$(this).find('.circle, .circled').toggleClass('circle circled');

Answer №2

See the Demo

Avoid using siblings() to select other elements with the .col class.

Make sure to target both .circle and .circled classes, or else the first-child with the class circled will be left out.

$(document).ready(function() {
    var $myskill = $("#expertise .each-expertise .col");
      $(this).toggleClass("white indigo-text text-darken-2")
      $(this).find('.circle, .circled').toggleClass('circle circled');


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