I am encountering a problem with IE11 where I am unable to enter any text into my

When using Firefox, I can input text in the fields without any issues in the following code. However, this is not the case when using IE11.

<li class="gridster-form"
    aria-labeledby="Gridster Layout Form"
    alt="Tile Display Input column Input Row">
    <span class="dropdown-text">
        Col <input type="text" value='tiledata.col' ng-model="tiledata.col" size="1" class="input-col ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid">
        Row <input type="text" value='tiledata.row' ng-model="tiledata.row" size="1" class="input-row ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid">     
        <i class= "fa fa-arrows"></i>

What steps can be taken to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

Your webpage has a structure that includes an

<a href...><input ... /></a>

This violates HTML standards

Due to this violation, different browsers may interpret it differently. For example, Firefox might prioritize the input elements while Internet Explorer might prioritize the link and ignore the child inputs.

Both browsers are incorrect, as there is no definitive correct interpretation in this case.

It's important to fix your HTML code to ensure consistency across browsers.

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