HTML/JavaScript - Ways to show text entered into an input field as HTML code

One dilemma I'm facing involves a textarea element on my website where users input HTML code. My goal is to showcase this entered HTML code in a different section of the webpage. How should I approach this challenge?

The desired outcome is similar to how Stack Overflow handles HTML tags in their question text area - if a user types "this", it displays as **this** on the page. Another scenario is when a user inputs an image tag, and I would like that image to appear elsewhere on the site.

In my tech stack, I am leveraging Node and Express for the backend, using MongoDB to store user input, and incorporating ejs templates for rendering the HTML content.

Answer №1

<script src=""></script>
<textarea id="htmlinput"></textarea>
<div id="target"></div>

Answer №2

Working with JavaScript

function displayText() {
  var message = document.form.input.value;
  return document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = message;

Implementing in HTML

<form name="form">
<textarea onkeyup="displayText()" name="input"></textarea>
<div id="output"></div>

Answer №3

My code snippet below showcases how I retrieve the value from a textarea using JavaScript and then display it in a div element with the id of output. This is achieved by utilizing the .innerHTML property, which is responsible for setting or returning the inner HTML content of an element.

function myInput(){
var y = document.getElementById('textarea').value;
  document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = y;    
*{ box-sizing: border-box; }
textarea{ width: 100%; }

  color: #fff;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
<script src=""></script>
  <textarea id="textarea" placeholder="please input your texts here" oninput="myInput()"/></textarea>
  <div id="output"></div>

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