HTML/CSS: Issue with image grid layout where images of different heights are not wrapping correctly

I have a Wordpress-based web project in progress at the following link:

The current setup of the post thumbnails grid on the website was done with the assumption that all thumbnails will be the same height. However, I am looking to modify it so that the thumbnails can have varying heights and still wrap properly without leaving any gaps between rows. Is it possible to achieve this by making changes to the existing version or should I consider implementing an entirely new approach for the grid layout?

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you will require the use of JavaScript as CSS alone is not capable of it. One option is to utilize a library such as "Masonry" ().

Answer №2

To solve this issue, you can use CSS to set a fixed height for the images and add the property `object-fit:cover`. This will ensure that all images have the same height. If you need images of different heights, you can consider using JavaScript plugins like this.

.wrapper-projekte .post img {
   height: 260px;
   object-fit: cover;
   width: 100%;

Answer №3

To make the content more visually appealing, you can split it into three column divs and set a minimum width so that they stack into a single column when the browser window is less than around 850px wide.

Check out this example to see what I mean:

Here's the CSS code for reference:

.column  {
  width: 30%;
  min-width: 270px; /* Add this inside a media query (refer to fiddle link above) */
  float: left;
  margin: 0 1%;

.column img {
  width: 100%;

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