HTML or JS/jQuery can create disorienting cursor behaviors

Is there a way to create a distorted or crooked mouse movement on a webpage, even though the user is moving the mouse normally?

I'm exploring ways to simulate the experience of a Parkinson's or arthritic patient trying to navigate a web page with a mouse. How can this be achieved using HTML, JS/JQuery, or CSS? One idea I had was to use small grids on the page and make the mouse cursor snap to those grid edges for the desired effect, but I haven't found any relevant code for this. Am I using the wrong keywords in my search?

I don't have any initial code to work from, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking for a solution that works in browsers with maximum compatibility.

Answer №1

  • To hide the cursor in your DIV, apply the CSS property cursor:none;
  • Design a custom cursor image in .png format and use jQuery to move it using the coordinates (left, top) on mousemove
  • Randomize the positioning of the .png cursor by adjusting the margin-left and margin-top with a setTimeout. For smooth re-positioning, consider using CSS3 transition or achieve it with jQuery's .animate() method.

Note: The script cannot determine if the hand is still on the mouse ;)

function rand(min, max) {return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;}

var $cursor = $('div img');

$('div').mousemove(function(e) {  
    left: e.pageX,

(function tremor(){
      marginLeft: rand(-15,15), // arm tremor
      marginTop:  rand(-30,30)  // hand contractions
  setTimeout(tremor, rand(50,100));

div img{
  transition: margin 0.2s;
<script src=""></script>
<div><img src=""></div>

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