The find function within $(this) is malfunctioning

I'm having issues with displaying/hiding content when clicking on a table row. Here is the simplified code snippet:


    <tr onclick="showDetails()">
        <td>Some text
            <br> <span class="hiddenContent">Some hidden content</span>

        <td>Some More Text
            <br> <span class="hiddenContent">Some hidden content</span>

    <tr onclick="showDetails()">
        <td>Some text
            <br> <span class="hiddenContent">Some hidden content</span>

        <td>Some More Text
            <br> <span class="hiddenContent">Some hidden content</span>



function showDetails() {


Answer №1

One reason for this behavior is that when this is used, it actually refers to the window object.

If you want to bind this to the element that was clicked, you can achieve this by calling the function using the .call() method and passing this.

View an Example Here

<tr onclick=""></tr>

Alternatively, you can simply pass a reference to this as a parameter:

View an Example Here

<tr onclick="showDetails(this)"></tr>
function showDetails(el) {


A more recommended approach would be to utilize unobtrusive JavaScript and attach an event listener to the tr elements instead:

View an Example Here

$('tr').on('click', function () {

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