I have implemented the navbar-fixed-top feature from Twitter Bootstrap on my website. However, I am facing an issue where the bottom of the navbar behaves differently than the top of the browser.
The problem arises when the anchors change (active state), causing the navbar to overlap with the body content. This is something I want to avoid across all pages of my website.
I have tried adding padding to the body to address this issue, but it only pushes down the body by 50px. Is there a solution to this problem that doesn't involve altering jQuery?
For a better understanding, you can view the issue at http://jsfiddle.net/xXDarksnakeXx/409tfas4/
One idea I had shared:
"... I would like the bottom of the navbar to behave like the top of the browser so that when a div reaches the bottom of the navbar, instead of the top of the browser, the anchors in the navbar will switch to active."