html issue with the footer

Just starting out with HTML and encountering some difficulties with adding a footer. The main issue is that when I add the footer, the 'form' element gets stretched all the way down until it reaches the footer - you can see an example of this here. How do I prevent it from extending beyond the body of the form?

Here's the HTML code snippet:

    <div id="formWrapper">
          <form method ="post" action="addMember.php">
          <label for="name">Username:</label>
          <input name="name"/>
          <label for="password">Password:</label>
          <input name="password"/>
          <label for="email">Email:</label>
          <input name="email"/>
            <input class="btn" name="submit" type="Submit" value="Register"/>
            <input class="btn" name="reset" type="reset" value="Clear Form">

     <div class="push"></div></div>
         <div class="footer">
            <p>Copyright (c) 2008</p>

And here's the relevant part of the stylesheet:

    border:solid 5px #F1F1F1;
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-left: auto;
    background-color: #AFC8DE;
    padding-top: 10px;

    min-height: 100%;
    height: auto !important;
    height: 100%;   


html, body { height: 100%; }

.push{ background-color: #903; margin: 50px; }

.footer { height: 4em; background-color: #103; }

The line min-height: 100%; seems to be causing the stretching issue but not sure how to resolve it.

Answer №1

It appears that the footer div is nested within the form wrapper, causing it to adjust its height based on the wrapper's dimensions. I have created a quick solution for you to reference. Hopefully, this will help guide you in the right direction for your specific needs.

Answer №2

You may encounter a few issues in your provided HTML code.

  • An "center" end-tag without a corresponding start tag
  • Unclosed second "input" tag
  • Potential issue with an empty div.push tag
  • The indents appear to be incorrect (possibly due to formatting on stackoverflow)

Please review your HTML code and make any necessary corrections. If the problem persists, update the question with the revised HTML.

Answer №3

Here's a suggestion for your code structure:

<div id="main-container">
   <div id="top-section"></div>
   <div id="content-section"></div>
   <div id="footer-section"></div>

Consider styling it with CSS like this:

html, body {margin:0; padding:0; height:100%;}
#main-container {min-height:100%; position:relative;}
#content-section {padding:10px; padding-bottom:60px; /* Height of the footer */}
#footer-section {position:absolute; bottom:0; width:100%; height:60px;   /* Height of the footer */;


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