HTML div ID displaying incorrectly

My main div on the page has the attribute align="center", but it does not seem to align in the center.

If you'd like to see the page for reference, click here.

This is the CSS:

    background-color: #4C1B1B;


And here is the HTML:

   <div id="page" align="center">
      <div id="pageleft">
      <div id="pageright">

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Update the styling of #page by adding margin:auto and removing align="center"

   background-color: #4C1B1B;

Answer №2

If you want to perfectly center align the div, you can use this simple formula:

left = (100 - width of the div) / 2

You can achieve this using JQuery like so:

var left = (100 - 85) / 2;
$("#page").css("left", left + "%");

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