HTML: Determine the Precise Location of a Div Element That is Centered

Imagine I have this image:

Is there a way for me to determine the x/y or left/top properties of my canvas if it is centered using the following CSS:

#canvas-container {
        width: 100px;
        margin: 0px auto;


$('#myCanvas')[0] returns ""

Answer №1

For obtaining the position of an element with respect to the document, you can utilize the offset() method:

var elementTop = $('#myCanvas').offset().top,
    elementLeft = $('#myCanvas').offset().left;

Answer №2

To get the correct positioning values, you can use either .offset() or .position():

If you require absolute left/top values:

var offLeft = $('#mainFrame').offset().left;
var offTop = $('#mainFrame').offset().top;

If you need relative positioning for the element's left/top values:

var posLeft = $('#mainFrame').position().left;
var posTop = $('#mainFrame').position().top;

Answer №3

Implementing JQuery Library


// alternatively


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