, I am in the process of automating an application with a status bar that turns green when certain tasks are completed. However, I am facing an issue with QTP's Object Spy as it does not display the Color property. Simply using getroproperty("color") is also ineffective. As a workaround, I am attempting to utilize CSS in QTP to achieve my goal. Below is the code snippet I have been working on-
set a = Browser("name:.*").page("title:=.*")
'highlighting the relevant section of the status bar
color = a.Webelement("css:=.progress-bar-success").GetROProperty ("background color")
msgbox color
'the above msgbox output is blank
'trying this instead:
color = a.Webelement("css:=.progress-bar-success").GetROProperty ("style/background color")
This consistently returns an rgb value of (92,184,92) even for records where no progress has been made. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?