How to use jQuery to set a background image using CSS

I've been working on setting backgrounds dynamically with a jQuery script, but it seems like the .css function is not working as expected. Here's the code snippet:

$(document).ready(function () {

    $(".VociMenuSportG").each(function () {

        var fullHref = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
        var pos = fullHref.indexOf("IDSport=") + 8;
        var sportNum = fullHref.substr(pos, 3);
        var imageName;

        switch (sportNum.toString()) {

            case '523':
                imageName = "../Images/soccer_ball01.png";
            case '468':
                imageName = "../Images/soccer_ball01.png";

        $(this).css('background-image', 'url (' + imageName + ')');


The script loops through each item with the class "VociMenuSportG", retrieves the link path from the list item, and then sets the background image of that list item. Despite running without errors and confirming the correct path via console.logs, the background-image doesn't get set. I'm starting to question if I might be using the .css function incorrectly somehow?


I've attempted changing the image paths to absolute paths instead of relative ones, but unfortunately, that didn't solve the issue.

Answer №1

The problem you are facing pertains to the spacing between url and (. Simply eliminate the space, and it should function properly.

 $(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + imageName + ')');

Answer №2

Not sure what the issue might be, but a good starting point is to try setting another CSS property to see if that resolves the issue.

For example: Css('border', '1px solid red')

I also noticed a space between 'url' and '('. It's possible that could be causing the problem.

If changing the property doesn't work, have you attempted manually setting it through the browser debug toolbar to confirm that the URL is correct? The use of '../' in your URL raises some doubt, as typically this is used in CSS files to navigate from /css to /images. Since you are not in the /css directory, try using '/Images/soccer_ball01.png' instead.

(Edit: I see someone else already posted an answer, so hopefully this provides additional guidance for debugging in the future!)

Answer №3

To correctly utilize that method, the following format should be used:

$(this).css( { 'background-image' : 'url(' + imageName + ')' } );

If you had provided a fiddle, I could offer more detailed assistance in resolving the issue.

Answer №4


Consider utilizing the background property instead of background-image. Here is an example:

$(this).css('background', 'url(' + imageUrl + ')');

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