How to style the currently active route link in Angular 2 using CSS

I want to add custom CSS styles to active router links:

<a [routerLink]='link'>{{name}}</a>

Here's what I attempted so far (Using the default router-link-active class):

.router-link-active {
color: #000;
font-weight: bold;

The styling isn't taking effect, and I'm not sure why.

Answer №1

If you are using Angular 2, there is a convenient built-in attribute called routerLinkActive. You can apply it to any link that uses the [routerLink] directive with the following code:

<a [routerLink]='link' routerLinkActive="router-link-active">{{name}}</a>

This will automatically determine the currently active route and apply your specified CSS class (router-link-active) to it.

It's worth noting that if you are using routerLink on elements other than a tags (such as buttons), the routerLinkActive attribute may not work properly. However, this issue is being addressed in the upcoming release of the router -

Answer №2

A brand new feature on the latest router is the "routerLinkActive" directive, which is something that catches your attention.

For example:

<a [routerLink]="/user/bob" routerLinkActive="active-link">Bob</a>

Essentially, when the URL is either '/user' or '/user/bob', the active-link class will be applied to the anchor tag. If there are changes in the URL later on, the class will be removed accordingly."

Answer №3

Based on the information provided, my suggestion would be to consider this approach.

<a [routerLink]='link' [ngClass]="{'router-link-active': routerLink.something === something}">{{name}}</a>

If the condition

routerLink.something === something
, or any other specified expression, is met, the corresponding class and styles will be applied.

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