How to style a sublevel menu to appear next to its parent using CSS

I have a menu that is currently functioning well, but I would like to add a new sublevel onto it. However, if I directly add the new options, they end up hiding the existing ones on the menu.

Here's an image for reference:

I want the new options to appear next to the selected one and not below it. Thank you!

Below are my CSS and HTML:

#menu-bar {
  Display: Inline-block;
html[xmlns] #menu-bar {
  Display: Block;
* html #menu-bar {
  Height: 1%;

<ul id="menu-bar">
 <li class="active"><a href="">POTRUS MAXIMUS</a></li>
 <li><a href="/p/codex.html">CODEX & DATASLATES</a></li>


Answer №1

Would you like me to enhance the sub menu design for you? Does this reflect the general concept you are aiming for?

#menu-bar ul ul
    top: 0;
    left: 100%;

#menu-bar li:hover > ul
    display: block;

Check out a live example here:

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