How to Stop Bootstrap's table-hover Class from Altering Cell Background Colors in a Table

I have a Django project where I am working on customizing the background color of priority cells in a table based on their status (high, medium, low). My table is styled using Bootstrap, which includes the table-hover class. However, when I hover over a row, the background color of the priority cells changes to the default hover color of the table instead of maintaining the custom colors I have set.

Below is the relevant HTML code:

<table class="table table-dark table-sortable table-hover">
            <th scope="col">Priority</th>
    <tbody id="table-body" class="table-body">
        <tr class="task-row">
            <td class="{% if task.priority == 'high' %}high-priority{% elif task.priority == 'medium' %}medium-priority{% else %}low-priority{% endif %}">
                {{ task.get_priority_display }}

And here is the CSS being used:

.table .high-priority {
background-color: hsl(5, 39%, 30%) !important;

.table .medium-priority {
background-color: hsl(27, 64%, 40%) !important;

.table .low-priority {
background-color: hsl(146, 34%, 25%) !important;

.table .task-row:hover .high-priority,
.table .task-row:hover .medium-priority,
.table .task-row:hover .low-priority {
background-color: inherit !important;


Even with these styles in place, the background color of the priority cells continues to change when hovering over the row. I want the priority cells to retain their assigned colors regardless of hover state.


How can I prevent the background color of the priority cells from changing when hovering over the row, while still utilizing the Bootstrap table-hover class?

Screenshot displaying the issue while hovering over the table.

What I’ve Tried:

•   Using !important on the background colors.
•   Setting background-color: inherit for hover states of priority cells.

Answer №1

Get rid of

background-color: inherit !important;
, it's not going to give you the desired result.

The color issue you're facing is actually not from a background-color, but from a box-shadow that's being applied by

.table>:not(caption)>*>* {
    padding: .5rem .5rem;
    background-color: var(--bs-table-bg);
    border-bottom-width: 1px;
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px var(--bs-table-accent-bg);

To fix this, replace it with box-shadow: none in your :hover rules instead of trying to inherit the background-color.

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