Achieving Flexbox compatibility with child elements in a horizontal MUI Collapse Component and TransitionGroup transitions: A comprehensive guide

Struggling with incorporating the Collapse + TransitionGroup Component in MUI while trying to make the containers expand using flexbox.

<Box sx={{display: 'flex', height: '100vh', width: '100vw'}}>
  <Box sx={{flex: 1}}>Content-A</Box>
  <Box sx={{flex: 1}}>Content-B</Box>

Here is a basic setup I'm aiming for. Both Boxes side by side, dividing the entire page into left and right sections. However, integrating the Collapse Component causes issues:

<TransitionGroup sx={{display: 'flex', height: '100vh', width: '100vw}}>
  <Collapse orientation='horizontal'>
    <Box sx={{flex: 1}}>Content-A</Box>
  <Collapse orientation='horizontal'>
    <Box sx={{flex: 1}}>Content-B</Box>

The Collapse component seems to disrupt the Flexbox parent-child connection. Upon inspecting the DOM, I see that the Collapse Component adds 3 wrappers around the child component (root, outer, inner wrap). How can I pass down the flexbox properties to the original child?
I attempted to override the styles of these wrapping components in the theme and assign them display: flex, flex: 1 to propagate it all the way down to the child, but this results in choppy transitions.

EDIT: To clarify, the reason for needing the transition group is because I want a specific transition effect. Essentially, I have the page split into left (A) and right (B). When triggered, (A) should transition off the screen to the left (horizontally), (B) moves to where (A) was, and a new element (C) slides in from the right to take B's place. Think of it as a Sliding Queue. This process repeats (B exits -> C moves to B's position -> D transitions in). The problem arises when using Collapse horizontally as it doesn't adjust to fill the remaining space.

Answer №1

In my opinion, using css properties like flex and the Collapse component in this particular way may not yield the desired result. The Collapse component inherently applies css properties such as width: 0px, which might be overridden by your display:flex declaration.

Consider Using CSSTransition Instead

As an alternative approach, you can manually define and apply transition rules by utilizing the CSSTransition component, which is internally used by Collapse as well.

For more information, refer to the official documentation.

Here's an Example

You can find a sample scenario in this sandbox example

const useStyles = makeStyles({
  "slide-enter": {
    flexGrow: 0,
    width: 0,
    overflow: "hidden",
    whiteSpace: "nowrap",
    transition: "all 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms"
  // Add more style definitions here

     <TransitionGroup style={{ display: "flex" }}>
        {, i) =>
          i >= columns.length - 2 ? (
                appear: classes["slide-enter"],
                // Include other classnames
          ) : null

Past Answer for Reference

Previously suggested solution before receiving clarification from OP:
It seems a bit unclear what specific outcome you are aiming for.

Reason Behind Using Transition Group?

The purpose of including a TransistionGroup component is typically to automatically manage the 'in' property of a Collapse component when dealing with multiple items like adding them to a list.

If your intention is simply to render two columns without complex animations, you may omit the TransitionGroup and control the 'in' boolean manually.

Customizing Collapse Styling

To customize the styling of the collapse element, you can pass inline styles with required CSS properties. Example:

          style={{ flex: "1", display: "inline-block" }}

A Demonstrative Example

Check out this detailed CodeSandbox demo

The demo showcases two versions:

  • Version 1 focuses on toggling between opening and closing columns
  • Version 2 involves dynamically adding columns and expanding them using TransitionGroup

Based on your query, it appears that Version 1 aligns better with your requirements:

const Example1 = () => {
  const [isOn, setIsOn] = React.useState(false);

  const toggle = () => {
    setIsOn((prev) => !prev);

  return (
      <Button variant="contained" onClick={toggle}>
        {isOn ? "collapse" : "expand"}

      <Box display="flex">
          style={{ flex: "1", display: "inline-block" }}
          style={{ flex: "1", display: "inline-block" }}

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