How to set a maximum character limit for a textarea element without using JavaScript

I am looking for a way to implement MaxLength functionality on a multiline textbox, which is rendered as a textarea. I want to achieve this without relying on jQuery or JavaScript.

Answer №1

To restrict the character limit in a text area, simply add the maxlength attribute to the textarea tag:

<textarea maxlength="5"></textarea>

Check out this example on Fiddle:

This feature is supported in HTML5 documents and browsers that are compliant with it. For older versions like HTML4 or non-supporting browsers, JavaScript will be needed for achieving the same functionality.

If using an ASP.NET TextBox, you can set the maximum length like this:

<asp:TextBox MaxLength="5" />

Answer №2

<asp:TextBox id="messageBox" rows="5" MaxLength="20" TextMode="multiline"
runat="server" />

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