How to select text based on its color property using Watir in Ruby

I'm having trouble clicking on a specific element within a table. There are multiple elements with the same class <span class="price">, but I need to click on one that has a color property of color:#555. I attempted a few different methods without success:

1- browser.span(:class => 'price', visible: true ).click  -- did not work  
2- browser.span(:class => 'price', ).style(color: '#555').click  -- undefined method click for string

Because the link's availability can vary, sometimes appearing gray and unclickable, is there an alternative approach to achieving this click?

Answer №1

If you want to achieve this, try using the following method:

browser.span(:css, 'span[style="color: #555;"].price').click

To access the color values, utilize the css selector since the style method is only capable of retrieving values from the style attribute. See below for an illustration:

browser.spans(:class, 'price').each {|e| puts'color')}

Additionally, I recommend enhancing the CSS to make product availability more clearly stated if possible.

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