How to insert an image into a placeholder in an .hbs Ember template file

I'm looking to enhance a .hbs template file in ember by incorporating an image. I am not a developer, but I'm attempting to customize the basic todo list app.

<section class='todoapp'>
  <header id='header'>
    <img src="../assets/logo2.png" />
    {{input type='text'
            placeholder='What else is in your wallet?'

My objective is to place an image next to the placeholder text before a user interacts with the input field. I'm assuming I can't include it within the 'value' attribute, so would I need to manipulate the .new-todo class in CSS to insert the image?

Answer №1

Utilize CSS to customize your backgrounds:

background: url('[image-url]') no-repeat; background-position: 10px;

You can adjust the position of the background by altering the pixels.

If you wish to hide the image when the element is focused, use :focus pseudo-class in CSS and set background: none;:

.element-class:hover { background: none; }

Additionally, you have the option to create a div with contenteditable attribute in HTML. By doing this, you can implement a custom placeholder function using JavaScript to add images to the placeholder within the editable element.

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