How to Eliminate Lower Borders from DataGrid Component in Material UI (mui)

I've been trying to customize the spacing between rows in a MUI Data Grid Component by overriding the default bottom border, but haven't had much success. I've experimented with different approaches such as using a theme override, adding a className with the border property set to none, utilizing the sx feature, and even creating a custom index.css stylesheet. Any assistance on this matter would be highly appreciated.

Below is my component: component.tsx

   <div className = {classes.ListTable}>
               border: 0, // also tried setting to none 
               borderRadius: 2,
               p: 2,
               minWidth: 300,
           classes={{ root: classes.MuiTableCell}}

Here are the methods I have attempted so far without success:


const theme = createTheme({
   overrides: {
       DataGrid: {
               border: 'none',


.MuiDataGrid {
    border: 0 !important;


  ListTable: {
      borderBottom: "none",
      border: 0,
   MuiTableCell: {
      borderBottom: "none",
      outline: 0,
      borderColor: "10px solid red",
      color: theme.palette.text.primary,

If you have any suggestions or solutions, please feel free to share - your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Dealing with the same issue, I managed to find a solution that did the trick. It may not be the cleanest code, but it gets the job done. Simply insert the following snippet into your styles.tsx.

grid: {
'&>.MuiDataGrid-main': {
  '&>.MuiDataGrid-columnHeaders': {
    borderBottom: 'none',

  '& div div div div >.MuiDataGrid-cell': {
    borderBottom: 'none',

Answer №2

Recently, I discovered a more concise method to eliminate all borders from a MUI's datagrid table while keeping the borders of other components intact.

  sx={{ '&, [class^=MuiDataGrid]': { border: 'none' } }}
  • & targets the DataGrid itself, removing the table's outer border,
  • [class^=MuiDataGrid]' utilizes an attribute selector to select every child element within the grid with a class attribute starting with MuiDataGrid

Answer №3

When working on a MUI v5 project, I successfully implemented the following code to remove main borders.

const customizedTheme = createTheme({
    components: {
        MuiDataGrid: {
            styleOverrides: {
                root: {
                    border: 'none'

Answer №4

Customizing the datagrid in MUI v5 allows for a unique styling approach.

  const StyledDataGrid = styled(DataGrid)(({ theme }) => ({
    border: 0,
    color: '#757575',
    fontFamily: 'Lato',
    WebkitFontSmoothing: 'auto',
    letterSpacing: 'normal',
  '& .MuiDataGrid-row': {
   width: '1191px',
   height: '34px',
  background: '#FFFFFF',
  borderRadius: '27px',

'& .MuiDataGrid-iconSeparator': {
  display: 'none',
'& .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaders': {

  width: '1191px',
  minHeight: '34px',
  background: '#D5DFED',
  borderRadius: '20px',

'& .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitle': {
  fontWeight: 700,
  fontSize: '14px', minHeight: '34px',
'& .MuiDataGrid-row.Mui-selected': {
  background:' #FFFFFF',
  border: '1px solid #73A0FF',
  borderRadius:' 27px',
'& .MuiDataGrid-cell': {
  fontWeight: 400,
  fontSize: '14px',
  lineHeight: '17px',
  color: '#757575',
  boxSizing: 'none',borderBottom: 'none',
'& .MuiPaginationItem-root': {
  borderRadius: 0,

Answer №5

For those still struggling with this issue, here's a straightforward solution that works perfectly using MUI v5 & v6:

'&>.MuiDataGrid-main': {
                            '&>.MuiDataGrid-columnHeaders': {
                                borderBottom: 'none'

                            '& div div div div >.MuiDataGrid-cell': {
                                borderBottom: 'none'


Answer №6

I recently experimented with adding a static css file to my project along with a class="peaches" on a parent <div> in order to maintain logical styles without relying on !important.

Fortunately, this approach worked perfectly as it successfully removed all the borders I needed to eliminate (such as those between rows and around headers, footers, and the table itself):

.peaches .MuiDataGrid-root {
  border: 0;
.peaches .MuiDataGrid-cell {
  border: 0;
.peaches .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaders {
  border: 0;
.peaches .MuiDataGrid-footerContainer {
  border: 0;

By utilizing CSS selector specificity for its intended purpose, there is no need for using !important. The Styles inspector in Chrome DevTools indicates the source of the borders, allowing you to determine the selector count utilized by MUI and ensuring that your CSS overrides them accordingly.

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