How to effectively delete the class from a navigation list item

Looking for some inspiration? Check out the basic visuals for this question here. But let me break it down for you.

This snippet shows the HTML & CSS behind a tabbed-carousel, with a condensed version for clarity:


    #myCarousel-100 .nav a small {
    #myCarousel-100 .nav {
    #myCarousel-100 .nav a {
            border-radius: 0px;

<div class="container">

    <div id="myCarousel-100" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">

        <div class="carousel-inner"><!-- Wrapper for slides -->

            <div class="item active">
                panel 1 content
            </div><!-- End Item -->

            <div class="item active">
                panel 2 content
            </div><!-- End Item -->

        </div><!-- /Wrapper for slides -->

        <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-justified">
            <li data-target="#myCarousel-100" data-slide-to="0" class="active"><a href="#">panel 1</a></li>
            <li data-target="#myCarousel-100" data-slide-to="1"><a href="#">panel 2</a></li>

    </div><!-- End Carousel -->

Doesn't get any simpler than that. To make it work, just add the following JS to the footer along with Bootstrap & jQuery:

                interval:   4000 

        var clickEvent = false;
        $('#myCarousel-100').on('click', '.nav a', function() {
                        clickEvent = true;
                        $('.nav li').removeClass('active');
        }).on('', function(e) {
                if(!clickEvent) {
                        var count = $('.nav').children().length -1;
                        var current = $('.nav');
                        var id = parseInt('slide-to'));
                        if(count == id) {
                                $('.nav li').first().addClass('active');    
                clickEvent = false;

That's all there is to it. No problem here, right?

Actually... maybe. If you try to set up another instance with an id like myCarousel-200 and duplicate the code, changing the IDs accordingly, you'll notice a glitch.

When clicking on one carousel, the clicked-appearance of the other carousel's item also changes. This isn't ideal.

The issue lies in the JS calls like:

$('.nav li').removeClass('active'); 

To fix this, I attempted:

$('#myCarousel .nav li').removeClass('active'); 

But no luck. What am I missing?

Answer №1

Test it out


Answer №2

The solution you have accepted may not be beneficial for you in the long run. In fact, it seems to be masking the underlying issue rather than addressing it directly.

In your script, you are making changes to both carousels. Instead of targeting all elements with $('.nav li'), consider using $(this).find('.nav li'). By scoping everything in a similar manner, you can avoid duplicating code for additional carousels and creating multiple


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