How to display a "data not available" notification in AngularJS ngTable plugin tables when the data response array is void of content

I need to implement a no data message in my ngTable table when the response data array is empty.

Currently, I have the following code:

        <tr ng-repeat="row in $data">
            <td data-title="'name'" filter="{name: 'text'}" sortable="'name'">{{}}</td>
            <td data-title="'lastName'" filter="{lastName: 'text'}" sortable="'lastName'">{{row.lastName}}</td>
            <td ng-show="$data.length == 0">
                There's no data

However, this message is currently displayed only in the first column. I would like it to span all columns in the center of the first row or at the beginning of the first column without being limited by column boundaries.

For instance, similar to the bootstrap zebra stripes table where the color spans the entire rows, I want the message to occupy full row width. Is there an option in the ngTble plugin that allows for this, like the "no data available" message in jQuery data-tables plugin when the table is empty?

Answer №1

Consistency is key, so make sure to utilize colspan.

<td colspan="2" ng-show="$data.length == 0"> 
    No data available at the moment.

Answer №2

To fix this issue, simply delete the <td></td> from the table.

<td ng-show="$data.length == 0">
                There is no data

Instead, replace it with...

<div ng-if="$data.length == 0">Oops, no record found!</div>

and add a condition to your table...

<table ng-if="$data.length > 0"></table>

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