How can one locate a particular element/style/class in the dev tools DOM while debugging in MUI v5?

Exploring the DOM and pinpointing the specific component file and style block in MUI v4 is a straightforward process:

Locating a particular element/style class in MUI v4

However, in MUI v5, this functionality is no longer available, making it challenging to debug and identify elements within your codebase (imagine navigating through a vast app with numerous components):

Approach to styling in MUI v5 and inspecting the DOM

Is there an improved debugging method in MUI v5 that facilitates quicker identification/isolation of specific components/styling blocks within the code?

Furthermore, I have discovered various ways of handling (and not handling) styling in MUI v5, but none of them provide sufficient debugging information when examining the DOM (refer to the GitHub source to understand the distinctions between classes, styles, and sty):

      {/* OK - these work */}
      <Box sx={{ ...classes.text }}>HELLO</Box>
      <Box style={classes.text}>HELLO</Box>
      <Box css={styles.text}>HELLO</Box>
      <Box sx={sty.text}>HELLO</Box>

      {/* FAIL - these do not work - following the v4 method, for completeness */}
      <Box classes={{ root: classes.text }}>HELLO</Box>
      <Box className={classes.text}>HELLO</Box>
      <Box class={classes.text}>HELLO</Box>


Answer №1

If you add a label attribute to your styles, it will be visible in the inspector tool. For example:

main: { color: 'blue', fontWeight: 'bold', label: 'someLabel' }

This label will appear in the inspector alongside the css-hash:

For instance:

<div class="MuiBox-root css-h8tuqk-someLabel">...</div>

Elements tab

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