How to conceal table cells on Safari 5?

My code works on Firefox and IE, but not on Safari. Here's an example:

        <th style="display: none;">hi</th>

<tr class="someClass">
    <td style="display: none;"><span>hi</span></td>

When I have many columns and rows, all browsers hide this column properly except for Safari. In Safari, a gap is created and the alignment of other columns is affected.

This is how my column headers appear. Is there something I'm overlooking?

Answer №1

After some trial and error, I finally cracked the code. By moving that column to the end (along with the header), everything appears correctly now.

Answer №2

By applying the CSS property display:none to an element, it effectively removes it from the flow of the document. However, this technique may not be suitable for table cells, as they are closely linked to neighboring elements.

To ensure proper alignment of the table with its adjacent elements, it is necessary to physically remove the unwanted elements rather than simply hiding them.

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