how to conceal an image using its icon attribute

Hello everyone, I've been searching for a solution to my question online but couldn't find one. I am looking to hide images based on their icon-value attribute. For example, I want to hide the image with icon-value="1" within the div that has a class of .box.

<div class="box">
  <div class="icon"><img src="xyz/smiley.png" icon-value="1" icon-index="0"></div>
  <div class="icon"><img src="xyz/1.png" icon-value="2" icon-index="1"></div>

Answer №1

Utilize an attribute selector.

.container img[icon-value="1"] {
    visibility: hidden;

Answer №2

Solution using CSS:

.box img[icon-value="1"] {
    display: none;

View CSS Demo

Note: It is important to specify the value in quotes for CSS attribute selectors to work properly

jQuery alternative solution:

$(".box img[icon-value=1]").css("display", "none");

View jQuery Demo

Answer №3

Experiment with CSS by attempting the code snippet below

.container .icon img[icon-value="1"] {
        display: none;

Alternatively, if jQuery is in use, consider trying the following as well

$(".container img[icon-value=1]").hide();

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