Each function in Sass is compiled with a dollar sign preceding it

I'm having trouble using an each loop in Sass because the css is compiling with the variable names instead of their content.

$green-1: #9ae200;
$green-2: #5ea600;
$color-list: green-1 green-2;

@each $single-color in $color-list {
    &.#{$single-color} {
        background-color: $single-color;

The desired output is:

.green-1 {
.green-2 {

However, the css is currently compiling as:

.green-1 {
.green-2 {

As an attempt to add the dollar sign, I tried:

@each $single-color in $color-list {
    @function create-variable($variable){
        @return "$" + $variable;

    &.#{$single-color} {
        background-color: create-variable($single-color);

Unfortunately, this compiled as:

.green-1 {
.green-2 {

It seems that Sass is not interpreting the variables correctly. Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

Answer №1

Sass does not allow for dynamic variable creation, but you can achieve similar results using maps.

For example:

$green-1: #9ae200;
$green-2: #5ea600;
$color-map: (
  green-1: $green-1, 
  green-2:  $green-2,

  @each $key,$value in $color-map {
      &.#{$key} {
          background-color: $value;

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