How to change the divider color in Angular Material table's header row

Currently struggling with customizing the divider appearance in the Angular Material table. Despite trying various approaches in the Chrome dev tools, I am unable to modify the color and thickness of the divider after the header row. It seems that the border-bottom style is locked to the data rows only, evading changes to the header.

// Attempt 1
table > th {
  border-bottom: 1px solid red !important;

// Attempt 2
td.mat-cell:first-child {
  border-top: 1px solid #ffa600;

// Attempt 3
body > app-root > div > app-departures > div > transports-table > div > table > thead > tr {
  border-bottom-color: red !important;

// Existing code for altering data row divider color
td.mat-cell {
  border-bottom-color: var(--white-grey-row-separator);
  border-top-color: var(--white-grey-row-separator);

Any advice on how to successfully adjust this? Appreciate your help!

Thank you in anticipation!

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