How to activate a media query in response to user interaction using JavaScript

My responsive web page has various designs for different screen sizes, implemented using @media queries. I am interested in allowing users to manually adjust the design for smaller or larger screens without actually changing the screen size.

Is there a way to activate an @media query through JavaScript without modifying the screen size?

Answer №1

Discover Enquire.js, a sleek JavaScript library designed for handling CSS media queries.

Utilize it to apply a class to the body element based on screen width. By structuring your CSS according to whether or not the body has specific classes, you can dynamically add these classes to the body using JS depending on user interaction.

You can achieve similar functionality with another JS tool: MediaClass. The following line of JS code:

MediaClass("small-screen", "body(this-max-width: 480px)");

will assign the small-screen class to the body if its width is less than 480px. Introduce buttons to modify the body's width on your site, leading to layout changes based on the assigned CSS classes rather than just the screen size. A slight CSS adjustment may be necessary for both of these techniques.

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