How is it possible for a JavaScript variable sharing the same name as a div Id to automatically pass the div?

This is just ridiculous.



<p id = "sampleText"></p>


var sampleText = "Hello World!";


    // prints <p id = "sampleText"></p>

How is this even possible? It's beyond absurd!

Answer №1

Back in the early days of internet browsing, Internet Explorer introduced a convenient feature that allowed developers to avoid using getElementById() repetitively. This was around 1999, before frameworks became popular.

Initially, browsers like Netscape did not have this functionality, considering it more of a flaw in IE. However, as corporate websites began relying on IE-specific features, other browsers eventually adopted this feature for compatibility reasons.

To my knowledge, this feature is now part of some standard, whether in ECMAScript, HTML5, or another specification. As a result, all modern browsers have implemented this "convenient" feature into their systems.

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