How to prevent jQuery from continually recalculating width on window resize?

Here is the code I've been working on:

    var callback = function () {

  $('.progress-bar').width($('.progress-bar').parent().width() - 190);

  $(".mainpart-background").animate({ width: "80%" }, 800 , function(){
    var sidepartposition = $(".progress-bar").width() * 0.1 + $(".sidepart-content").width() * 0.5 ;
   $(".sidepart").animate({ "margin-right": - sidepartposition }, 100); 


var sidepartpositionResize = $(".progress-bar").width() * 0.1 + $(".sidepart-content").width() * 0.5 ;


   $(".sidepart").css( "margin-right", "sidepartpositionResize" );


There seems to be a problem with the code:

The span displaying "20%" vanishes when the window is resized. Investigating it using Firebug reveals that jQuery continues to calculate the 80%, showing values like 80.00213, 79.1241, 79.12523, etc. It takes 1-4 seconds for this process to stop and for the span to finally show the correct value of 20%.

It's important to note that this code is meant to work on responsive websites.

As a newcomer to JavaScript, any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Take a look at this code snippet:

The code provided allows for binding to the end of the resize event, ensuring that the function is not executed multiple times during window resizing.

var animate = function(){
$(".mainpart-background").css('width', 0);
        width: "80%"
    }, 800, function () {
        var sidepartposition = $(".progress-bar").width() * 0.1 + $(".sidepart-content").width() * 0.5;

            "margin-right": -sidepartposition
        }, 10);



    window.resizeEvt = setTimeout(function()
    }, 250);

I hope this information proves helpful.

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