How does using position: fixed affect width in React components?

Can someone explain why my sidebar width is reduced when I apply position: fixed? Here is the code snippet:

Steps to reproduce the bug:

  1. Open the code in a new window (full screen)
  2. Observe the picture before and after using position :fixed

Before using position

After using position, there seems to be a CSS issue on this line

 sideBar__block: {
    padding: 20,
    position: "fixed",
    top: "64px"

Answer №1

When using <code>position:fixed;, the div will adjust its size based on the content unless a specific width is set.

There are several ways to customize this:

First, by setting a width:

 sideBar__block: {
    padding: 20;
    position: fixed;
    top: 64px;

To make it responsive, you can use both left and right positioning:

 sideBar__block: {
    padding: 20;
    position: fixed;
    top: 64px;

For more advanced browser compatibility, consider using position:sticky:

 sideBar__block: {
    padding: 20;
    position: sticky;
    top: 64px;

These techniques will ensure that the fixed container adapts effectively with different screen sizes.

Answer №2

The CSS property "position:fixed" adjusts the width of an element based on its content size. To see this in action, try adding more text to list items and notice how the sidebar's width also expands accordingly.

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