How do you identify a Selenium element using a CSS selector?

Having trouble locating the element for "Sign out" button in Selenium. I've tried using the following CSS identifier:

css= div[class='sub-nav chat-bubble']>ul>div:nth-child(3)>li:nth-child(4)>a

Could someone please help me modify it?

<div class="sub-nav chat-bubble">
<div class="name">Manju Nath</div>
<ul style="background-color: transparent;">
<div class="email force-no-break" style="background-color: transparent;">
<div class="subheader-gray-text">243.3 KB of 2 GB used</div>
<div class="quota_graph_container" style="background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238);">
<li class="first-standalone">
<a class="standalone clearfix" target="_blank" href="/account">Settings</a>
<a class="standalone clearfix" href="/install">Install</a>
<a class="standalone clearfix" target="_blank" href="/plans">Upgrade</a>
<a class="standalone clearfix" href="/logout">Sign out</a>
<div class="chat-bubble-arrow-border"></div>
<div class="chat-bubble-arrow"></div>

Answer №1

Try using XPath instead

You can easily locate the XPath of an element using the browser's inspect element tool



css= div[class='quota_graph_container']>li:nth-child(4)>a

Answer №2

I concur with user1177636. Utilizing selectors that are both distinctive and easy to read is essential.

css = a[href='/logout']

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