How do I create more space in Vitepress to prevent the text from feeling cramped and allow it to display in a larger area?

Below is the content of my file:

layout: home

  name: "TP2"
  text: "Analyzing the code of TP2 by Breno Mazzali Medeiros Tomazelli and Philippe Bouchard"
  tagline: Code Analyses
    - theme: brand
      text: Review of Breno Mazzali Medeiros Tomazelli's code
      link: /ReviewCodeBrenoMazzaliMedeirosTomazelli
    - theme: brand
      text: Review of Philippe Bouchard's code
      link: /ReviewCodePhilippeBouchard

View how it appears here

The large white text in the center is what I intend to modify

I attempted to find solutions online, but couldn't locate any helpful resources

Answer №1

When selecting the custom theme feature using the vitepress command line setup wizard, you'll come across within the .vitepress/theme directory. This is where we can insert our own styles:

div.VPHero.VPHomeHero > div > div > .text {
  word-spacing: 30px;

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