How challenging is it to transfer a CSS file from one .NET server to another?

Let's break it down: - Our website is constructed using a commercial CMS known as Sitefinity - The structure of the web site is based on .NET - We have both a test server and a live server established for development purposes (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

Although I am not well-versed in .NET programming, I predominantly focus on frontend tasks. So here's my query:

Is it standard procedure for the entire web site to be transferred over to the live server every time there are CSS modifications made on the test server? Or is it feasible to simply move the updated CSS file from development to the live server? (My attempts at doing so have proven unsuccessful.)

I bring up this concern because, after each CSS revision, the entire web site needs to be temporarily shut down for 10-20 minutes to facilitate the transfer of the complete development to the live server. This practice seems excessive for such minor changes like tweaking a few lines of CSS, and it significantly hampers my workflow. Disabling an entire website just to publish one basic CSS file appears impractical in terms of efficiency.

Could someone provide me with insights into your procedures regarding .NET and CSS changes? What industry-approved practices should I be aware of? I am eager to enhance my comprehension of this process.

Thank you for sharing your expertise. Your input is highly valued.

Answer №1

Utilizing Sitefinity, we have found that copying or FTPing the CSS files is a more efficient approach rather than having to redeploy the entire website. Personally, I find Beyond Compare to be a helpful tool in this process.

Answer №2

There are various methods to transfer changes from our development server to the live server using Sitefinity:

  1. One option is to utilize the synchronization feature in Sitefinity, which allows for the seamless transfer of content and other data from one server to another.

  2. If you are only updating CSS files, there is no need to push all the code every time. Sometimes changes may not reflect immediately, so try publishing the page once to see the updates.

    Feel free to reach out if you need more information.

Answer №3

There may be a caching mechanism in place, causing the issue. You might want to review the static content settings with your hosting provider or in IIS to determine when CSS files expire.

Another option is to restart Sitefinity by navigating to Administration Settings > Basic > Languages and clicking Save (or installing the Falafel Dashboard which includes a convenient restart button for the homepage).

By restarting the site, you can clear the cache and view the changes. Hopefully, this information proves useful!

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