I have a webpage at this link and I am trying to vertically align the text. Using table-cell causes all items to display in the same row, which is not what I want as shown in the image at this link. Setting a fixed line-height won't work either since each text has a different size.
Here's my CSS:
img {
width: 80px;
height: 81px;
float: left;
margin-left: 10px;
margin-right: 10px;
Here's my HTML:
<img src="../assets/images/recommendations_shoes.png">
Due to the city's rocky terrain making it slippery, avoid wearing high heels or uncomfortable shoes. Opt for tennis shoes instead.
<img src="../assets/images/recommendations_backpack.png">
Avoid carrying extra weight. With many slopes and staircases around, choose smaller, lighter backpacks and bags, only carry the essentials. Some attractions may require bags, backpacks, and camera equipment to be stored at reception.
Could someone assist me in achieving this? Thank you very much