How can you ensure a div stays at the top or bottom of a page based on the user's scrolling behavior?

Hello there! While I know there have been many questions regarding sticking a div to the top or bottom while scrolling, my particular issue is a bit more specific.

My dilemma is that I am looking for the div to stick either to the top or the bottom based on the user's scrolling direction.

To demonstrate the layout of the content, I have created this jsFiddle snippet:

The desired outcome involves having the side content scroll simultaneously with the main content as the user scrolls. Once the end of the side content (top or bottom) is reached, it should then stick in place accordingly.

For instance, using the provided snippet, I aim for the side content to scroll down until "Fixed content Last." becomes visible, and then adhere to the bottom while the user continues scrolling downwards. If the user scrolls back up, the side content should mirror this movement by scrolling up until "Fixed content First." reappears, at which point it should affix itself to the top position.

This is how the HTML structure of the side content appears:

<nav >
      <div id="filterAnchor"></div>
      <div id="filterScroll" class="fixed_div">
          Fixed content First.</br>
          Fixed content.</br>
          Fixed content.</br>
          [more "Fixed content."]
          Fixed content.</br>
          Fixed content.</br>
          Fixed content Last.</br>

Answer №1

Understanding the direction of scrolling is crucial in ensuring that the sticky sidebar remains visible as the content moves. I have made some modifications to this fiddle to achieve this effect.

While there may be room for optimization, the concept should be clear. One challenge lies in detecting when the bottom is reached, and the approach outlined below may not be definitive:

if ($window.height() <= $filterClass.height() + top) {
    $filterClass.css('top', '');

Edit (refer to comments for additional context):

In the revised fiddle, I have introduced support for various scenarios:

1. When the sidebar exceeds the main content's length:
The default position is set to absolute, requiring no JavaScript intervention for proper functionality.

2. When the sidebar surpasses the window height:
The positioning shifts to fixed. As you scroll down (content moves up), the sidebar sticks to the bottom upon reaching it:

// 'top' denotes the top position of the fixed sidebar
if(top < 0 && fixedHeight + top < windowHeight) {
    $filterClass.css('top', '');
} else {
    $filterClass.css('top', top+diff);

3. When the sidebar is shorter than the window height:
Here, the positioning switches to fixed, mirroring the scenario described in the original response above.

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