How can you determine the total number of elements with a specific class assigned to them?

I am currently using jQuery to identify which IDs have a specific class name. This information is crucial as I am employing toggleClass() from jQuery to display and hide certain divs. When a button is selected, I want a viewport to either appear or disappear. My objectives include mastering this technique in jQuery and gaining an understanding of how it can be done in pure JavaScript. I am aware that the JavaScript approach will be more complex, but I am ready for the challenge.

  1. How can I utilize the resetViewport() function to count the number of "selected" classes?
  2. Is there a more efficient method to achieve this task?
  3. In JavaScript, how can one accomplish the same functionality? Feel free to suggest specific methods in JS without providing exact code. My primary goal is to learn.

To provide clarity, I have included the code snippet. Let's begin by examining my personal website hosted at CodeAmend along with the associated code:


    <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

... (omitted portion of HTML content)


* Here is the JavaScript / jQuery *

 $("[id^=button]").click(function () {
    // Creates the ID of a viewport: "view-" + inner HTML of button
    var viewID = "#view-" + $(this).html();

function resetViewport(numberOfViewports) {
    var viewSize;
    switch (numberOfViewports) {
    case 1:
        viewSize = "400px";
    case 2:
        viewSize = "198px";
    case 3:
        viewSize = "131px";
    case 4:
        viewSize = "98px";
    $("[id^=view]").css("width", viewSize);

Here is the CSS

    * {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

... (omitted portion of CSS content)

Answer №1

Both jQuery collections and JavaScript NodeLists are similar to arrays, allowing you to utilize the .length property to determine the number of elements they contain.

With jQuery:


In vanilla JavaScript:


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