How can you determine the specific type of "display" utilized by CSS Bootstrap for a particular element?

When manipulating the "display" property of a bootstrap element like "row" or "col-md-3" using JavaScript, how can I determine the default value set by Bootstrap CSS?

For instance, the Bootstrap source code likely sets the "display" value for the "row" class to either "block" or "inline-block". If my JavaScript code changes it to "display: none" and I later need to revert it back to its original state, what is the most effective way to know what that original value was?

Answer №1

To hide an element using JavaScript, you can add a hiddenElement class to the element with CSS styles for display:none. This way, you can easily revert back to the visible state by removing the added class without directly changing the CSS of the bootstrap element.

.hiddenElement {
  display: none !important;

$('#elementToHide').addClass('hiddenElement'); // Adds the class to hide the element

//To make the element visible again
$('#elementToHide').removeClass('hiddenElement'); // Removes the class to show the element

Answer №2

It seems like your goal is to save a backup of the original computed styles for an element. To achieve this, you can utilize window.getComputedStyle(element) to retrieve the computed styles list.

However, to easily revert back to the original styles after making changes, you need to take additional steps.

You can follow this approach:

// Select one or more elements
var row = document.getElementsByClassName("row")[0];

// Store the current styles
var css = window.getComputedStyle(row);
var cssObject = {};

// Convert styles into an object for better handling
for (var i = 0; i < css.length; i++) {
        cssObject[css[i]] = css.getPropertyValue(""+css[i]);

// Change the color property = "red";

// Restore the original color eventually
setTimeout(function(){ = cssObject.color;
}, 2000);

Check this link for a live demo

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