How can you craft a dynamic radial mask to animate layered images?

My goal is to have two circular SVG images layered on top of each other, with the top image in grayscale and the bottom image in full color.

I want to be able to gradually remove the top image based on a percentage from 1-100, similar to how hands sweep across a clock face. For example, if I am at 25%, the grayscale image would disappear in a pie wedge shape from 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock, revealing the identical full-color image below (refer to the image for clarification).

example of radial mask concept

Is there a way to achieve this effect using HTML5/CSS, JQuery, or another method that I may not be considering?

Answer №1

Check out this fiddle I created to showcase my idea: Essentially, the red circle serves as the background image with two semi-transparent masks floating above it in the form of divs. Apologies for not including the javascript, but at 25%, remember that transform:rotate(90deg);. As you reach 50%, the right mask should halt while the left one continues. By 75%, make sure to apply

.circle-mask-right{transform:rotate(180deg);} .circle-mask-left{transform:rotate(90deg);}
. The code may be refined further, but I hope this sets you on the right path.

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