How can we ensure content is aligned to the right when flex-wrap is activated, and distributed evenly with space-between when

I have been searching for a solution to my problem, but I am struggling to articulate my question in a concise manner. So far, I have come up empty-handed.

Here is the scenario:

When viewed on a large screen, I want the layout to look like this:

edge| [CONTENT A] ... space ... [CONTENT B] |edge

I have been able to achieve this using justify-content: space-between.

However, when the window size is reduced, the layout changes to:

edge| [CONTENT A] ... space ... |edge
edge| [CONTENT B] ... space ... |edge

(I am using flex-wrap: wrap)

What I would like is:

edge| ... space ... [CONTENT A] |edge
edge| ... space ... [CONTENT B] |edge
  • I have experimented with width: 100%; text-align: right, but on larger screens, the content appears centered because content A is pushed to the right.
  • I tried using margin-left: auto, which provides a similar visual effect: it works on smaller screens, but content A still looks centered on wider screens.
  • Using
    align-items: flex-end; align-content: flex-end
    did not produce the desired effect.
  • Even align-self: flex-end did not yield results.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Using the combination of `row-reverse` and `wrap-reverse` will achieve the desired layout

.container {
  flex-flow: row-reverse wrap-reverse;
  /* OR
     flex-direction: row-reverse;
     flex-wrap: wrap-reverse;
  /* to highlight */
  border:1px solid;

.container > div {
  padding:10px 30px;
  border:1px solid blue;

.container > div:first-child {
  order:1; /* adjust the order when using row-reverse */
<div class="container">
<div>Lorem Ipsum A</div>
<div>Lorem Ipsum B</div>

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