How can text be concealed within an input field?

My degrees converter code is functioning well, but I have an issue. When I input a number for one temperature type, the conversion for the other two types is displayed correctly. However, if I then enter a number for another temperature type, the previous value remains in the Kelvin input box. Ideally, I want the previously displayed value to disappear when a new temperature type is selected. I've attempted using "document.getElementById("").style.display = "none"; but this only removes the input box itself. Is there a way to make just the text disappear while keeping the input box visible?

if(temperature == "Fahrenheit") {

  calculate = Math.round((inputValue - 32) * 0.555);
  document.getElementById("Celsius").value = calculate;

  calculate = Math.round((inputValue - 32) * 0.555 + 273.15);
  document.getElementById("Kelvin").value = calculate;

  // hide fahrenheit value


else if(temperature == "Celsius") {

calculate = Math.round((inputValue * 0.555) + 32);
document.getElementById("Fahrenheit").value = calculate;

calculate = Math.round(inputValue + 273.15);
document.getElementById("Kelvin").value = calculate;

// hide celsius value


If my explanation isn't clear, let me know and I can provide more details.

Answer №1

Give it a shot:

Use document.querySelector('#yourSelector').value=""; // this code will empty the content of the element

Answer №2

Ways to Clear Input Values

If you are looking to clear the value from an input field, simply set it to an empty string like this:

document.getElementById("Fahrenheit").value = ""; // clear the input value

Make sure to do the same for any other fields if needed.

How to Conceal Input Value

Instead of removing the value completely, you can also hide it using CSS by making the text color transparent:

input {
  color: transparent;

Alternatively, you can achieve the same effect through JavaScript:

document.getElementById("inputId").style.color = "transparent";

Happy Coding!

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