How can one use Selenium's XPath or CSS selectors to retrieve an element based on the text of its inner element or the text of the current element?

Exploring the code below:

<section id="section2" class="MightChange1 MightChange2">
   <div id="dynamicIdxxx" class="dynamic1 dynamic2 dynamic3">
     <div id="againDynamic" ..>
         <div id="someDynamicCanBeRelayed" class="xyz">
         <button id="dynmaicBtnxx" class="Cannot be relayed">
             <span ....>
                  <span id="dynamic23" class="PartOfDoesntChange">
                       <bdi> show INTEGER more details</bdi>

How can we target the span element with the id 'dynamic23' based on the changing text within the bdi tags?

I could approach it like this: //*[@id='section2']//span/bdi[contains(text(),'more fields')]/ancestor::button")

The difficulty arises when the structure changes to:

<span id="dynamic23" class="PartOfDoesntChange">
     <bdi> show INTEGER more details</bdi>

and sometimes without the bdi tag:

<span id="dynamic23" class="PartOfDoesntChange"> show INTEGER more details <span>

One approach is to handle both scenarios in Selenium by using two xpaths with and without bdi, then utilizing logical OR conditions. This way, we can still locate and interact with the desired element.

Are there more effective solutions for handling such cases, perhaps with CSS selectors?

Answer №1

Here is an easy and straightforward solution for you:

//span[contains(., 'show INTEGER more details')]
. Remember not to change the "." to "text()", as this will limit the matching to only one element.

Answer №2

If you want to combine results from two queries, you can utilize the UNION operator |. Check out the following code snippet for a demonstration.

//*[@id='section2']//span/bdi[contains(text(),'more fields')]/ancestor::button") | //*[@id='section2']//span[contains(text(),'more details')]/ancestor::button")

Answer №3

If you want to choose the span element that contains the text

display NUMBER additional information
, you can utilize this xpath query:

//button[@id='dynamicButton']//*[contains(.,'display NUMBER additional information')]//preceding::span[1]

Important: The values may change dynamically, so it's advisable to apply a WebDriverWait for the element as well.

Answer №4

Here is a useful tip:

.//*[contains(., 'display INTEGER additional information')]/ancestor::button[starts-with(@id,'dynamicButton')]

The * (star) at the beginning will locate the tag containing the specified text, whether it's span or bdi. The Ancestor function will find a button with an id that begins with your text and ends with variations of 'int'.

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